Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My Baby is here
Haha... yesterday rush back from work to see my baby. After reach home i don't bother to have dinner but staying outside to clean it. There was some writing on the window with liquid paper, so it took me some time to remove it. Now still got a bit there but i was too tired to clean it yesterday.
So i drove to pump petrol (they only give RM10 petrol, my mum pumped another RM20 in order to drive back from Perling) and because i have become too familiar with 3rd sis car, i tend to press accelerator harder and the car just go inb front very fast lor. I was scared so i drove around after pumped petrol to make myself familiar with it if not i'll be in deep trouble (i work in Senai u know?).
It's good because the driver seat is high ( i have short body, always can't see in front when i am driving a Wira) so it's suitable for me :) Hahahah.... I am so happy. It is the most expensive thing that i ever bought so i'll treasure it of course. I'll work harder to pay the monthly installment (my current salary hardly can support it). Donno la, looking forward to April increment.
I'll post photos for my baby here XD
Monday, January 28, 2008
My cosmetic collection
Anyway, here are my collections.
Cosmetic for eye
Cosmetic for lips
Cosmetics for face
The ZA concealer No.2 give me the best coverage for my dark circles. The Body Shop liquid foundation (Moisture) won't clog pores.
The combination
That is a lot? Where got? All cheap cheap one. Except for these 3
Urbun Decay eyeshadow (9.50pound = RM64.6), Ruby & Millen lipgloss (9pound = RM61.20) and MAC Holiday Pallete (RM169).
I am still learning. The more different colour of eyeshadow i try, the more i am confuse about whick colour actually suit me. I don't know. If i use black or dark brown (in MAC), i feel like i look like just kena 'punch'.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
23 Jan 08
Every year before CNY mum will be busy making biscuit for sell. She sells pineapple tart, almond+apple biscuit, almond biscuit, suji biscuit, cashew nuts biscuit, green peas biscuit and kuih bangkit. Kuih bangkit is not for sell actually because it is very hard to make. Then recently mum don't simply sell pineapple tart already (only sell to her friends) because she got no time to make the pineapply jam. 20 pineapple need about 1 day to process to pineapple jam.
My fave is almond+apple, sweet n sour type because of the green apple inside.
My new car still haven't come yet. Uncle said within these 2 days will go JPJ register. Haiz.. hopefully can get it before end of this month because we placed the order since about 20 December.
Boring~ Not so busy today. Weird.. because i have been very busy since last month.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Nobody's Home
Monday, January 14, 2008
日本十分流行的小测试 (很准的)
玩法:请从你出生年、月、日中,找出不同的数字。例如: 1978年12月 9日,就有(2个 1)(1个2)(1个7)(1 个8)和(2个 9),然后请参阅下文,就会知道你的感情表达能力、思维能力、失恋治疗能力等内在玄妙了。
(2个 1):你善于表达感情,面对心仪对象,往往能大胆示爱。由于你喜怒形于色,恋爱过程亦见顺利。
(4个1) :你十分敏感,情绪起伏不定,毫不掩饰自己的喜怒哀乐,容易意志消沉,需要情人不时地鼓励。
(1 个2):你懂得顾及别人的感受,善于洞悉别人的想法,是一个可靠的朋友和情人。
(2个2) :你善解人意,乐于助人,爱付出。对于异性来说,你的细心体贴甚具吸引力。
(3个2或以上) :你的直觉一般,幸好反应能力强。你喜欢多姿多彩的生活,对神秘的爱情也心向往之。
(1个 3):超强的想象力令你能散发独特的魅力,而你同时向往浪漫而甜蜜的恋爱。
(3个 3或以上):你智商很高,思维清晰,无法忍受单调的生活,若没机会发挥才能,会变得精神紧张。
(2个 4或以上):做人缺乏自信心,对于爱侣忠心耿耿。不会有越轨的念头,亦期望另一半对你专心不二。
(1 个5):思想单纯,即使情人见异思迁,你亦不会放弃,希望有守得云开见月明的一日。
(2个5) :你的意志并不坚定,容易半途而废,往往事倍功半,想好好发挥才能,最好将精力放在创意活动上。
(3个5或以上) :内心有着无法克制的热情,做事冲动,决不会改变自己决定的事情,还要另一半听你指示
(1个6) :你天性敏感,喜欢被别人欣赏,只有这样,你才能感受到自己存在的价值。
(3个6 或以上):你有绝对的自信心,为了令自己与众不同,永远全力以赴,喜欢出风头。
(1 个7):谈恋爱时,你会为对方周全考虑,失恋治疗能力亦强,对人欢笑,背人垂泪。
(2个7) :由于你每次恋爱都很投入,故失恋时,往往伤得很深,需要向别人倾诉,才能解开郁结。
(3个7或以上) :你不易爱上人,但一旦恋爱,会是十分专情的情人。如果被抛弃,你会对曾经的一切念念不忘。
(1个8) :你智力一般,但逻辑性强,做事喜欢循序渐进,不喜欢预期以外的变化。
(2个8或以上) :你聪明独立,表达能力强,有决断能力,有领导才华,做事往往得心应手。
(1个9) :你尝试理解别人对感情的渴求,然后尽量配合。
(2 个9或以上):无论智力或精力,你都非常旺盛,但缺点是经常沉醉于自己的想法中,令情人觉得你难以捉摸。
(1个 0):你一生的时间和精神力量,均被情人及朋友瓜分,紧记要在友情和爱情之间找出一个平衡点。
(2个0或以上 ):你的自我精神极强,在逆境时往往能看出事情的真相,甚少作出错误决定
So I am
(1个1):你属于固执而不懂表达感情的人,故经常暗恋人。由于你都算理智,甚少被情所伤。- true
(1个 3):超强的想象力令你能散发独特的魅力,而你同时向往浪漫而甜蜜的恋爱 - true
(1个4):热情澎湃,言出必行,自信十足,你会大胆表露内心感情,性欲亦旺盛 - not true
(1 个5):思想单纯,即使情人见异思迁,你亦不会放弃,希望有守得云开见月明的一日。 - true
(1个8) :你智力一般,但逻辑性强,做事喜欢循序渐进,不喜欢预期以外的变化。 - true
(1个9) :你尝试理解别人对感情的渴求,然后尽量配合。 - true
What kind of monster am I?
You Are a Werewolf |
![]() Your greatest power: Your ability to tap into nature Your greatest weakness: Lack of self control You play well with: Vampires |
Monday, January 07, 2008
New Year 2008
View from sis flat. 10th floor.
Other than the one with printing, the other 3 are from Esprit and Esprit is cheap in S'pore!! The black sweater is only $39.90.
The next day we went to Orchard and Clark Quay. I couldn't find Ettusias at Orchard there. It's not selling in JB so i have to get it from other place. Anyway, got nothing from Orchard since there only sell branded stuff.
Too boring over Orchard there so we went to Clark Quay. Did stupid thing there. Took a bus from Clark Quay MRT station to Clark Quay which is just beside the station!! Got chocolate milkshake at Manhattan Fish Market there and had some super expensive fried fresh mushroom.
After that i headed home lo. It was raining and very cold in the bus.
Yesterday i realise that i got quite alot of T-shirts.
This one i only dare towear in UK. and why?
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Qian Bian Wen Da Ti ~1~
Qns 2: Xiao Ming drink milk for growth. What does Da Ming drinks?
Qns 3: A cake is running in a forest and is exhausted. But, there is this animal there keep supporting the cake and in the end the cake able to finish the race. Which animal was that?
Qns 4: Ah Bao was being murdered. The culprit was caught the very next day. Who is the murderer?
Qns 5: Which Chinese Emperror is blind?
.....The Answer.....
Ans 1: Xiao Bai, coz Xiao Bai Tu (puke) - Rabbit
Ans 2: Wine, coz jiu yang da ming.
Ans 3: Pig, coz zhu gu li dan gao (chocolate cake)
Ans 4: Ah Dou (bean) coz dou sha (kill) bao - Redbean paste bun
Ans 5: Kang Xi, coz 'can't see'
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Drugs...... shopping desire
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I am Brave... at least i thought so
I was the 'main charactor' of the meeting coz i am the window to supplier. So during the meeting, everybody is questioning me and i have to answer. There is one senior manager who is very very tough to deal with. This was the 1st time i met him. He sat behind me and keep challenging me nonstop. The other manager was trying to help me by changing topic when i can't answer.
This senior manager is crazy, he seems like blaming every supplier problem on me. So i have to fight for myself lo. Not easy... especially when i am just a tiny procurement engineer who just graduated last year.
There is still alot of things for me to learn. Not just technical stuff but also how to deal with different person. And i was forced to involve in office politic. I have to be strong, if not i will not survive in this world.
My wish for 2008..... work harder and gain respect from others!! For those who have been bullying me since i joined, you better watch out as you will definitely regret for what you have done to me!