Friday, April 25, 2008


I remember last time when i was young, when we had whole chicken, me and my bro will have the drumsticks and 2nd sis and 3rd sis will have the chicken wings.

It tastes so good! I love drumsticks.

When i grow older, we started to not having the drumsticks and chicken wings because we want to let others have the chance to eat also.. and in the end, no one eat.


And now... it is totally different. Mum will take 1 drumstick and 1 wing.
I remember there is once after she had the drumstick, she still complaining that

' I want chicken wings le. I took drumstick coz i can't find the chicken wing. I don't like drumstick one :( '

Hahaha... let her be la. No matter what it's still chicken.

I am innocent.

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