Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My whole family is watching 太王四神记 now. It started when mum borrowed the original DVD from my auntie in Sg (Yes, is ORIGINAL DVD le).

Now, mum is watching, dad is watching, 2nd sis is watching, 3rd sis is watching and myself also watching. But all of us at different episode. Mum reach episode 25 and i am still at episode 9. So when mum is watching, we will watch as well. Now we all know what will happen later lo when we watch the drama but we just couldn't resist it. Weird huh~ This is the first time for my faimly to act like this. As for myself, i never feel so tempted to watch one drama.

Mum actually dreamt of herself becoming 秀芝妮. Hahaha... so funny la. She is really addicted to the show. She keep asking us to put one of the DVD player to the TV in kitchen so that she can watch the drama while she is cooking.

Yesterday, dad and 3rd sis using living room TV to watch 'So You Think You Can Dance' on Channel 5. Mum very beh song lo. She keep saying that there is so many TVs at home why they wanted to use her TV. She wanted to watch the drama all that. Then, guess what... she even threatened my dad that if he don't let her to watch her DVD then she will not cook for him anymore. Walao eh~~ so childish hor. Beh tahan~~ 7 more episodes to go for mum. After this drama, there is still 5 dramas waiting for her to watch. Hahaha....... Cham lo...

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