Saturday, one of the glass (yes, it is glass not plastic) suddenly slipped down from my spec and .... Luckily i still got an old spec for backup. Ask 3rd sis to send me to make a new spec immediately as i can't see very clear with the old spec but then her car cannot start. Battery flat.. At last i have to drive by myself.
RM340 has to be spent on the new spec and it can only be done by next Saturday. On our way back when i parked my car i accidently scratches sis's grey Wira. Argh....
Firstly, it was the handle bar. Parked at company carpark and some stupid driver knock his/her door on mine.
Then, it is the front bumper!! My fault! This is how it looks after i clean all the paint (grey one mostly).
Not so bad, i tell myself.
Today, went out to pump petrol. When i parked my car i accidently let go the brake too much and moved forward a little bit too much!!
I drive so carefully on road but i scratched my baby twice in a weekend when i was parking my car in my own house!!!
Recently i am a bit hard to concentrate when i am driving. Is it because of the sick? But i feel very healthy now. But why??
This is the distance that i normally keep but today i failed!!! Damn it. There is no one else i can blame on but myself!! My stupidity!!
Sorry my baby... Mummy didn't take good care of you....
塞翁失马, 焉知祸福。雨过天晴。黎明要到了, 黑暗还会久吗?
Hopefully the suey-ness will end there.
塞翁失马, 焉知祸福。 Don't tell me someone is gonna buy me a car? Hahaha... siao liao lo.
wah, VTCW, chim ler...
karen, anything i can offer? No no, cannot afford to buy you a car leh...
I am waiting for you to throw your phone to me.
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