Wednesday, September 17, 2008

傻傻的 Doctor

So, left office at 7pm and went to clinic see Doctor. The usual Doc was not there and i was consulted by a 40+ years old chinese uncle.

I told him all my symptoms, all he did was 傻傻的 looking at me. He asked me how was my appetite; did i sleep well all that. I told him everything is good. Then he measured my blood pressure. I am a 100/65. It is at the lower limit but Doc said looking at my size, it might be normal to me. I thought he will at least measure my body temperature and my blood sugar level but he didn't.

So? Paid RM25 for some vitamins and medicine for pening & muntah.

I actually applied leave today and my boss already approved. But my big big boss wanna have a meeting with 3 of us at PTP at 10am so no choice. Then 11am got anotehr meeting at PTP. Not sure wanna attend or not. Today i am supposed to be on leave ler. Walao~

四月大姐,就算是神都变不出啦。更何况我不是神。Not everything can be done by just pushing and squeezing us. PCB is not standard part. PCB cannot be fabricated in 1 day especially this is a 4 layer board. If you are not sure or don't understand about PCB, you can always come to me. I will guide you. Now, stop waiting for wonders!! I told you it is not going to happened so please plan again. No matter how you squeeze me, my answer is still... NO.

1 comment:

Chin Weng 茶先生 said...

Wah, the doctor is a big sotong. Have to alert everyone where is the clinic so that we do not "bon chan" that clinic. You better go to see the specialist, if still continue like this. Today i saw you still look OK lor.