Saturday, September 13, 2008

Don't judge me

I am getting sick.

When i am very very busy with work you asked for my opinion on something. I told you my opinion, rather than appreciate you complain that i have got bad taste. WTF?

You wait and see.. I will not owe you anything once i got my bonus.

I will not let you have a single chance to look down on me. And, don't think yourself is so great that you can look down on everyone. Don't think that just because your salary is high you can look down on everyone else. You donno what my job scope is. And if you don't understand, please don't judge me!! Don't keep saying that my job is damn easy and your job is so damn tough and you are so damn busy. I am not you, i don't complain around saying that my job is tough. I just feel that my job is quite challenging which i like it very much!!

Everybody have their own strong points. I am so proud that i am an engineer! I don't care if i am earning so much lesser than you at the moment because i will prove to you that i can be greater than you. All you know is money. You don't even know what a PCB is yet you are looking down at me. You really think you are the prettiest? I tell you what, you will definitely find out one day that how important is inner beauty which you don't have.

I hate selfish people like you, who only care about yourself and yet wanting people to help you. You are lousy!


Chin Weng 茶先生 said...


slinnic said...

show your power! you are our PCB superstar...fear not..!