Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Third Day

Ever wondering how does it feel to drive when you are 全身无力?
Well, basically it is like this:
  • you can see your hand holding the steering wheel but your fingers and palms can't feel it. You only can feel until your arm.
  • you can see your right foot stepping on the accelerator but you can't feel the accelerator with your foot. Your foot feeling numb.
  • you cannot lean on the cushion as you can fall asleep with your head touching the cushion.
  • you can't really concentrate.

Why is it so? Don't ask me as i would like to know too. The third day for me to feel 全身无力 and 头晕脚软. Just now almost fainted when i was standing in the IQC. Today i have to drive to PTP. So after back from PTP all i can feel is 脚又软又抽经,头又晕,手还冒冷汗。My hands very cold and sweating at the same time. After taking Milo, feel much better. Much better in terms of feeling warmer. Still 全身无力 and 头晕脚软.

If got time, wanna see Doc today. Provided i can finish my work on time. Yeah, still working now. Tomorrow i applied leave. Thought can rest but suddenly got a meeting to attend in PTP tomorrow morning. So? Have to drive for extra 80km tomorrow lor. =3=) Sienz...

1 comment:

Chin Weng 茶先生 said...

Aiduh, this is call 三魂不见七魄。可能有小人在你身边。哈,joking. Better see doctor, or do body check up. All your job pass to LPL lar, she seems to be very eng....she not comes to PTP lor.