This is Jalan Molek 1/7 traditions. Since we start to have guard in our 'Jalan', we got to know each other more. Every year, we will celebrate Mooncake festival and Chinese New Year together.
What are the kids doing with our guard? They are burning the guard house!!
These kids are so creative. Waaa~ Like this also can?!
This is 上海月饼 made by mum. Nice? I think of 月饼 this 2 words i feel like vomitting liao. Taken too much this year, as usual actually. Haha..
BTW, just realise that there are this kind of selfish neighbour in our neighbourhood. The neighbour stay at home and ask the maid to come and tapao the food back. Not just little bit. They use ice-cream container to tapao all the meehoon, fried chicken, curry chicken all that for 5~6 times. At last, those who come late a bit including my dad have nothing to eat. This is ridiculous lor. My dad said the committee was planning to put "谢绝打包" next time. Why we were so angry? Because each house paid same amount for the party and yet got nothing to eat. If they want to tapao the leftover then is ok but they actually tapao sicne the buffet starts!! It is not that this neighbour is poor or what, They are rich. Their daughter has just married to a famous and rich person's son recently. 没眼看~
Next time take photo when buffet start, at least if you family come late and nothing to eat, still can see at the photo.古人画梅充饥,现代人看照片添饱肚.
Haha.. you are so funny :D
you donno meh some rich people is 100 time "tan sin" than a poor people mehhh
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