Travel for a long long distance on Friday.
After reached office and before depart to PTP - 32km
Reached PTP - 74km
Back from PTP to Senai - 112km
Reached home at night - 167km
The petrol consumption is freaking me out. Damn it.
After work went to Tebrau City with Pauline. Suppose to watch movie together with Lim but something came out so left me and Pauline only. We reached there at 7.10pm and there is only Love Guru (7.40pm) that we are able to make it. (Coz we are going to meet the other 2 at 10pm). Then ended up we didn't watch movie but went for shopping :)
Dinner at Food & Tea as usual.
Cheese baked rice with chicken wings.
Our dinner. Pretty girls normally don't eat a lot. Hehehehe....
Got chinese orchestral for the Mooncake festival in Tebrau City.
10pm, we meet KC Chan and Chin at Yew's Cafe Molek. Hahaha.. so near to my house.
Yew's Cafe is quite high tech lor. We can press these button to 'bill', 'order' and 'water'. But then, we found that the waiter there only will come if you press 'bill' =_=
Finally, he is looking at the camera now..... But NOT AT MINE!! =_=
Pauline & I. I told her that this pose will make her face looks smaller, and it works.
Wei wei, excuse me, i am from photographic society ok.
Heels that bought together with Pauline. RM59.90. She is supposed to buy another pair but she changed her mind at last.
New cloths that i bought today, from the boutique behind my house. RM97 for both after discount. Ok la, i need to buy more of this type of cloths. Cannot wear T-shirt to work anymore liao...
Is your wardrobe full already?
Yup. Some have to roll and put aside. Some have to share one hanger. Hahaha... No lar, need to buy new cloths for PTP. Cannot wear T-shirt anymore.
No mroe shopping for this month.
faster wear the white one...very nice...but dunno how if you wear lar....hehe..
Apathen? My body is 'perfect' so sure look nice on me lor.
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