Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm a Pathetic E&E Engineer

I have got a Bachelor Degree (Hon) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Dad: Can you fix the TV? (pointing at the TV that just spoilt)
Dad: Then can you fix the DVD player?
KCST: *Shake head*
Dad: Then what do you know?
KCST: I also donno ler.

How come i seems like didn't learn anything useful? The only thing that i have created is Micromouse - during my Year 2.

Our Micromouse. Basically just something that have wheels, with infra-red sensor, touch sensor, white light sensor and a motor.

Front view - with infrared sensor to detect whether there is anything in front of it. Touch sensor in case infrared sensor failed to detect the thing in front.

Side view - can see the wheels, motor etc.

Bottom view - with 4 white light sensor to make the micromouse able to travel within the white area.

No, of course i didn't do it by myself. Oh please, my programming and solder skill sucks...

Here is my group member.

John - who has good solder skill (but a bit lazy)

Herman - the one circled in red. He is very hardworking and really wanting to help me. But then, he only knows about computer stuff - programming.

Geoff and Paul - they did the programming.

Each group have to produce a micromouse and the lecturer will test our micromouse by:

Round 1 - Follow white line. Our micromouse have to follow white line to move and turn etc.
Round 2 - Micromouse battle. 2 micromouse will fight. Micromouse have to use the infrared sensor to detect if there is the other micromouse in front. If yes, the micromouse have to push the competitor till it left the white area.

My group's micromouse sucks. Our white light sensor is not functioning at all. Then Geoff programmed it so that it will not move, once the infrared sensor detected the other micromouse, our micromouse will approach the micromouse and push it.

我们的奸计没有得逞。But they let us won one round. Hehe...

If you ask me what about my final year project.. well..

My final year project title is - Digital Control of an AC Power Chopper.

My thesis. Seriously, i didn't do well in my final year project. During that period of time, stupid Dr Khanniche left me for a few months. Ended up i have no one to guide me and have to ask around if other lecturer can help. Can't remember what is the purpose of the project too.

And now, i m working as an PCB Procurement Engineer. None of the things that i learnt is applicable. Sometimes i am wondering, how come i study so much but still donno how to fix TV? Those who were taking the same course as me (VTCW, Shawn and WS), can you guys fix TV? Please enlighten me.


Chin Weng 茶先生 said...

Fixing TV is very easy, just call any TV repairer come to your house, give them money, and problem resolve.

karenc 采茶女 said...

LOL~ so apparently only technician can fix it. Not our problem lor.

Chin Weng 茶先生 said...

We have no schematic diagram, no ICT, no FCT, no soldering gun, no multimeter, no replacement component, no osciloscope..everything no, then cannot repair lor.

karenc 采茶女 said...

I think even if have those things, i also donno how to fix it. Don't even know what is wrong with the TV also.